Pasta w/ Marinara Sauce


  • 1 Tablespoon of Olive Oil

  • 1 Teaspoon of Organic Sugar

  • 1 Cup Diced Onion

  • 1/2 Cup Chopped Garlic

  • 1 Cup of Chopped Tomatoes

  • 1 Can of Classico Tomato Sauce

  • 3 Leaves of Fresh Basil

  • Salt and Pepper to taste


  1. Add olive oil to sauce pan when hot add in your onion and garlic and a sprinkle of salt and pepper.

  2. When onions are translucent add in your tomato sauce, chopped tomatos, sugar, and basil.

  3. Let simmer on low for about 20 minutes.

  4. Add salt and more pepper to taste.